Saturday, June 7, 2008


I've been tagged by a couple of fellow bloggers. I usually don't join in, but I'll go ahead and answer these questions- they sound like fun.

Barb has tagged me! The "rules" of the game: Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5-6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.

Ten years ago: 1998- I had just graduated from high school and was touring with a music group called 'Highest Praise' (based from Ozark Christian College in Joplin, MO). Later that summer I started my first job at a Sirloin Stockade, in Aug. I started junior college as a music major and in Oct. met my future husband. Currently- I've been married for almost 9 years and I'm not a music teacher...I teach kindergarten. :)

Five things in todays 'to do list':
1. mail off my TAC contest entries for July
2. learn the music for Vacation Bible School
(I'm helping lead the music again this year...see this post)
3. do some cleaning
4. get creative at my craft desk
5. relax a bit...that's a hard one for me

Snacks I enjoy:Peanut Butter M & M's

Things I would do if I was a millionaire:
I'd get my mother the greatest medical care money can buy, I'd pay off mortgages and bills of family members, I'd build a big house that had a huge craft studio that my DH and I could share, I'd help others that were in need...the list goes on and on....

Places I have lived: all in Kansas...Cottonwood Falls, Delphos, Altamont, Oswego, and Parsons.

I will now tag: I'm not going to tag this time, maybe next time.


Laurie Unger said...

Oooh - I forgot about peanut butter m&m's! Yum!!!

Leanne said...

We have a whole lot in common. We graduated the same year, I also toured in a music group, I am my church's VBS director and music leader, AND I majored in music in college (not teaching, just performance). Creepy... lol

Mrs. Nancy G said...

I would of never guessed you were into music. Me too! :-) So nice to read more about you.
